Trevor Morgan is the ex-husband of 'Little' Mo Slater. He made his first appearance 21 December 2000 and final appearance 1 November 2002. He is portrayed by Alex Ferns.
A violent, aggressive, deceitful character, Trevor made life hell for his long-suffering wife Little Mo. The smooth-talking monster from north of the border might have seemed like a force of nature, but he was nothing more than a coward, and was always respectful to local hardman Phil Mitchell. Which Little Mo realised when, at the end of her rope, she took matters (and an iron) into her own hands. Even then, Trevor wouldn't lie down and returned to terrorise the Slater clan further. He held Little Mo hostage in the Slater house and set the building ablaze. Little Mo was rescued, but Trevor died in the resulting blaze; with fellow neighbor and Sharon's fiancé Tom Banks also perishing whilst attempting to save Trevor after helping Little Mo escape. The memory of his chilling stare haunted the Square long after he was burned to death.
Trevor is first introduced as the abusive husband of Little Mo Slater, when she agrees to return to him in December 2000 following a period of separation. Trevor promises to cease his violence towards her but soon resumes his abuse, often beating and humiliating her. He is regularly apologetic after attacking her but continues to isolate her from her family, especially her sisters Kat Slater and Lynne Slater.
Trevor goes AWOL in April 2001, after saying to Little Mo he has to go in to work on his day off. He ends up leaving his mobile phone behind so Little Mo goes to his workplace only to find out that Trevor was let go from his job weeks ago. Confused and concerned about Trevor's whereabouts she seeks Billy Mitchell's help in finding Trevor. Billy succeeds but finds out that he's been seeing another woman. Upon finding out this information a shocked and angry Mo goes to the woman's house to confront Trevor only to find out that the woman is pregnant with Trevor's baby, hurt and humiliated by this revelation she leaves Trevor.
Little Mo tells Trevor in the Queen Vic that she wants a divorce to which Trevor responds in a nasty manner saying derogatory things to Mo in front of the whole pub saying that she's a "state" that no one else would go with her and that she can't survive without him. Mo finally snaps and punches Trevor resulting in him leaving.
Trevor is not seen again for weeks & during his absence Little Mo and Billy develop their bond further. Trevor comes back during May he moves into the local BnB to be closer to Little Mo. He then gets a job in the Queen Vic after impressing new owner Sharon Watts much to the dismay of the Slater clan. He starts attending anger management classes in a bid to win back Little Mo. He claims to her that's he's changed and that he was out of order for what he said the previous month. Mo is impressed by this "new" Trevor and goes to back to him in July. Billy tries his best to wind up Trevor in an attempt to get him fired and therefore showing Mo that he hasn't changed. However this backfires on him when Mo catches him antagonising Trevor. Disgusted by Billy's actions she falls out with him much to the delight of Trevor. Little Mo moves into the BnB with Trevor leaving the Slater household.
In late August Kat overhears Trevor speaking on the phone to Donna the same pregnant woman that Trevor had an affair with. She finds out that the baby is due any day now she then proceeds to tell Mo who confronts Trevor about it. Trevor lies and claims that its just Kat lying in an attempt to break them up. Little Mo soon finds that Kat was telling the truth when she comes across a card that Trevor was going to send to Donna wishing her good luck for the upcoming birth. Little Mo goes to the hospital to see Donna. Donna tells Little Mo that she reminds her of how she used to be when Trevor beat her up acting like everything was fine. She tells Little Mo that Trevor even abused her during the pregnancy. She goes on to say that Trevor will never be a part of their son's life and that Little Mo should get away from Trevor as soon as possible.
Little Mo doesn't return home that night leaving Trevor feeling anxious. Kat takes great pleasure in telling Trevor that Little Mo refused his flowers and sent them to Donna instead. This enrages Trevor who storms over the street to confront his wife he punches Little Mo's future brother in law Garry Hobbs after Garry & Lynn tried to stop him. After a heated exchange during which Trevor clinches his fist ready to hit Little Mo, Trevor breaks down and shows remorse for what he's done to Little Mo and Donna whether it's genuine or not it's enough to convince Little Mo to forgive Trevor. Little Mo wants a baby as she believes its the only way they can move on from the past. Trevor is more then happy with this as this would give him more control over Little Mo they then agree to look for a place of their own. Little Mo wants a place closer to her family but behind her back Trevor tries to find a home miles away from Walford as he wants to isolate her again from her family.
One of his first scenes of violence towards Little Mo came in October 2001, when he suspected that there was friction within Little Mo's family and she refused to tell him what was happening. He then burnt her with an iron, and a few days later managed to intimidate her into admitting that Zoe was Kat's daughter and not her younger sister, as a result of her being sexually abused by their uncle Harry when she was a teenager.
When Trevor discovers Little Mo plans to attend her sister Lynne Hobbs's wedding in late 2001, he rapes her as a punishment. When she arrives late for Christmas dinner, he pushes her face into her plate and forces her to eat the remains from the carpet. Hours later, he beats Little Mo up after discovering her contraceptive pills which she had secretly been taking to avoid becoming pregnant by him.
Little Mo's family constantly implore her to leave her husband, despising his treatment of her. Trevor frequently rows with her sister Kat and is attacked by her father Charlie when he learns that Trevor burned Little Mo's hand with an iron. When Little Mo finally leaves Trevor just after Christmas 2001, when she discovers he deleted a message from Zoe, he tries to win her back. She resists, and he becomes violent, attempting to rape her again. Mo hits Trevor over the head with iron in self-defence, knocking him unconscious. Mo believes she has killed him, but when she and her family return to dispose of Trevor's body, they find out he has gone. Trevor, meanwhile, is admitted to hospital and when he recovers, he reports Little Mo to the police and has her charged with attempted murder, although she is released on bail until the trial in April 2002.
Despite strong evidence of domestic violence, corroborated by Trevor's mistress Donna Andrews, the father of his baby son, Sean, the jury at her trial find Little Mo guilty of attempted murder, and she is sentenced to eight years in prison. Following Little Mo's imprisonment, Donna ends up in the hospital as a result of Trevor's abuse. Kat cares for Sean, but Trevor arrives at the Slater family home, determined to take his son. When Kat stands in his way, Trevor attacks her, knocking her to the ground. The police arrive and arrest him, but Trevor makes a deal with Kat, agreeing to retract his statement against Little Mo in return for Kat not pressing charges against him. Little Mo is subsequently released from prison on appeal. Little Mo begins dating Billy Mitchell, but Trevor again returns in an attempt to win her back. While he is dating Sam Mitchell, he harasses her, beginning a campaign of intimidation which culminates in him taking Little Mo and his son hostage in the Slater family home attempting to kill them all in a house fire, but Little Mo stands up to Trevor by saying she is not frightened of him. He had already tracked his former mistress Donna down to her new address in Swindon, having beaten her up and snatched their son before heading back to Walford.
He threatens to start the fire, but she lights the match saying he does not have the guts. He grabs Mo, causing the game to drop and a blast to start. Little Mo and Sean are rescued by her neighbour Tom Banks; however, when going back for Trevor, both men are killed when the house explodes.
Little Mo begins to plan a funeral for Trevor but is convinced by Donna that she should be mourning Tom instead. This leads to her family and Billy growing unhappy with Little Mo's decision, as they constantly remind of all the treatment Trevor has inflicted upon her. However, when she attempts to get rid of his ashes, she says to Kat that she does not want to scatter them - as it is an act of remembrance; it soon becomes clear that Little Mo wishes to rid Trevor of her memories for good, reconciling with Kat in the process since Kat becomes proud of her sister again. Later on, she tells Billy in the café that she saw a new chapter of her life and the doors to her previous one closing when the curtains closed on the coffin.
Victim count[]
Rape victims[]
- 'Little' Mo Slater - Attacked her many times in their abusive relationship.
Kill count[]
Murders/manslaughter victims[]
- Tom Banks (1 November 2002) (unintentionally instigated) - Pushed a match out of 'Little' Mo Morgan's hand which caused a fire to the house that resulted in his own death as well as Tom's.