Tariq Laroussi made his first appearance on 5 June 2003, as the son of Mrs Laroussi and Dan Ferreira. He is portrayed by Nabil Elouahabi.
Tariq's is something of a tearaway, he left home at 15 feeling that he was better off without his parents. He looks forward to sharing the spoils of Ronny's job as an MC.
The Ferreiras move to Albert Square in 2003. Kareena Ferreira and Adi Ferreira run a clothes stall on the market, Ash starts working at the local community centre, and Ronny Ferreira earns money as a disc jockey, managed by his friend, Tariq Laroussi, whom Dan Ferreira dislikes. It transpires that Tariq is in a secret relationship with Kareena, but the Ferreiras discover this after they split up, causing further animosity between Tariq and Dan.
In 2004, Ronny is stabbed by a gang while trying to protect Tariq and has to have his kidney removed. However, it is discovered he was born with just one and will need a kidney transplant. None of his siblings are a tissue match, so Ash, Adi and Kareena visit their mother, but her kidney is not a match either. Tariq is forced to reveal that he is Dan's son, and he donates his kidney to Ronny. He explains that he thought having a mildly romantic relationship with his half sister would bring him closer to the family. Adi dislikes the fact he and Tariq are half brothers, but mellows towards him eventually. When bailiffs arrive to evict the family from their home, they board themselves into their living room, but eventually admit defeat and move into a flat with Sasha, starting a minicab firm called Toucan Cars.