Frank's influence continues to loom large over Peggy. Meanwhile, Sam makes a decision about her future.
Frank attempts to persuade Neil to let Peggy go, but fails. Suddenly, Alistair and the police rush over. Neil and Clive panic and run off. Alistair pretends that a mugging has taken place. The police aren't impressed that it's been a false alarm, but Peggy's safe now. Peggy shouts that she had a lucky escape when Frank left her. She finally agrees to stick around until Frank can repay her. At the villa, Krystal urges Jason to pack up as they've got to leave the area. Jason gets upset and says he wants to stay. Krystal finally agrees to let him. Peggy and Frank follow Krystal to the marina. Meanwhile, Sam admits to a disappointed Jason that she doesn't want to date him. Frank catches up with Krystal and asks why she did it. She replies that they didn't share the same dreams, although they both let people down. Just as Frank and Krystal sort through the money, Neil and Clive appear. They snatch the bag, to the disappointment of Peggy and Alistair. Frank manages to keep some money back from the bag. At the villa, Sam has brought some playmates round to cheer Jason up. Sam bids farewell to Jason and tells a thrilled Peggy that she wants to come home. Frank gives Peggy her money back and leaves. Peggy gets upset. She admits to Alistair that she still worries for Frank, even though he gets what he deserves every time. On the way to the airport, Alistair takes Peggy via the hillsides. There's Frank! Alistair gives her the chance to say goodbye properly. Peggy and Frank end up reminiscing. He admits that he regrets what happened between them - he's always messing his life up. Peggy, feeling sorry for him, gives Frank her money. She has a family and home, while he has nothing. He gets emotional. Frank suddenly gets desperate and begs Peggy to stay. She replies that she loved him, but she'll never, ever go back to him. Peggy wishes Frank luck for the future and gets into the car. He stands mournfully by the hillside, clutching the money, looking into the distance. Peggy cries in the car as they drive to the airport. Meanwhile, Krystal's back to her old tricks again, charming the men aboard the boat. |
Main cast[]
Guest cast[]
- Alistair - Michael Jayston
- Neil - Martin Marquez
- Clive - John Marquez
- Krystal - Rula Lenska
- Jason - James Taylor
- Alex - Franco Rey
- Cherry - Rosebud Melarkey
- 1st Policeman - Alberto J. Nieto Bandera
- Last appearance of Frank Butcher until his spin-off appearance Perfectly Frank in 2003 and then next appears on 5 December 2005.
- The end of this episode featured a piece from Julia's Theme rather than the regular drum beats.
- This episode, along with the previous three, was shot entirely on location in Spain.